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Building Construction and Materials

Tutor: Mr. Edwin Chan Yean Liong

Project 1 | Famous Architect's Building | Application of Architectural and Structural Materials (Individual)

In this assignment, we are required to conduct a case study on a building designed by one famous architect and identify five architectural building materials and two structural building materials. A detailed study on the ideas, concept and properties of the selected materials used in relation to the building design and construction are compulsory in this project. The compilation of findings is to be presented in a composition of two A3 size paper. In this context, I have chosen Taliesin West by Frank Lloyd Wright as my building for research.


Self - Reflection

Upon completion of this assignment, I had the opportunity to learn more about Frank Lloyd Wright, his historical background, design philosophies as well as the design intention and approach of his renowned work, Taliesin West. Through a detailed case study of its structural as well as architectural building materials used in the construction of Taliesin West, I am able to identify the different construction materials applied as well as having a better understanding of the choice of materials chosen for Taliesin West based on the characters, properties and influence of the materials on the design and function of the building. I am grateful to have Mr. Edwin as my tutor who has shown his concern and provide guidance for me throughout the weeks of completing the project which have been immensely helpful for me in gaining a better understanding on the module topics.

Project 2 | Construction Detailing of Building Elements

In this assignment, we are required to demonstrate our understanding and knowledge on building construction through drawings, especially the technical construction details and the building design by producing detailed drawings of building elements which include the floor, wall, door, window, staircase and roof. In addition to that, we were to also produce a construction consisting of floor plans, sections and details based on a floor plan of a two-storey house. By the end of the project, we were to distinguish appropriate methods of construction, integration of structure, the selection of materials and many other complex issues that are part of the design process.

Self - Reflection

Upon completion of this assignment, I've gained clarity on the details and connection of the construction materials which is in my context, timber. I was also able to practice my drawing skills through the appropriate use of drawing standards such as the symbols, dimensions and specifications besides ensuring the tidiness of the drawings produced. I've learnt a lot on the preconstruction process as well, for instance the foundation process. Through the sketches, I was able to remember the sequence visually and found it easier to understand the whole process as compared to before. Teamwork is really important to ensure the completion of this project. I find that it's hard to produce good work unless every group mates have the same vision in mind. Other than that, I hope to have better time management especially in balancing out time for all of the modules. I would have allocated more time to fully understand what I'm studying instead of over- prioritizing my other module and neglect the learning process. Nevertheless, I'm grateful for Mr. Edwin and his constant guidance, thankful for all the time he had spent discussing on the details together during the tutorial sessions, I have learnt a lot from him and I hope to improve further as I progress to the next semester.

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