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Architectural Design Project  (PRJ60408) 

Tutor: Mr. Emmanuel Canlas

This studio forms the culmination of the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Architecture programme. This capstone project is based on the theme ‘architecture with an impact’ and the formulation of an architectural intervention that embodies sensitivity in the meditation between architecture and socio-cultural needs, the designs of internal spaces, and the demands of the external constraints. Progressing from the previous studio where it focused on urban streets, this semester, aims to empower the urban fabric by focusing on the needs and aspirations of the place and its people in relation to the current times. The project focuses on real-life and relevant issues which allow students to not only understand but immerse themselves in the significance of their design approaches. Hence, learn the impact of their work on social, cultural, and environmental aspects.

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Project 1A: Pre-design Studies & Analysis

In this phase, students in their respective tutorial groups are to investigate, study and analyze the site to understand valuable components before designing. The study will enable students to gain familiarity with the site. To be immersed by 'sensing the city' allowing each to look into the current conditions of the site and relate it to the target user and objectives of the project. Hence, developing the most appropriate strategy and programme align to the project typology & parameters.

Project Outcome

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ADP P1A Final Boards_Page_1_edited.jpg

Project 1B : Design Strategies and Exploration

In this stage and upon clearly understanding the 3p’s people, place, and project, we are to take the project to the next level. Under the tutor’s guidance and studio direction, we are to progress by exploring the project proposal presented by the group in Project 1a, individually. Each student is to explore design ideas within the proposal into multiple angles and possibilities, looking carefully into the spatial quality, form composition, and aesthetic. The design exploration is to represent the designer’s inquisitive nature through a series of schemes to analyze, test, and challenge the ideas. During exploration, we are advised to look into the suggested readers and relevant buildings to gain a better grasp and understanding of the project on a programmatic and design level. Likewise, initial exploration on structural concepts, and materiality. The full exploration is to be presented and represented in a series of sketches, study models, diagrams, preliminary/schematic 2D Drawings (floor plans, sections, and elevations, and 3D drawings (axonometric, perspective, and modelling). At the end of this stage, students are to present both the full exploration and final scheme in the form of a pin-up presentation.  

Project Outcome


Project 1B Progress Documentation

Project 1C:
Final Design Presentation and Design Report 


Upon accomplishing project 1b, the student will proceed to finalize the scheme. Another 3-4 weeks are allotted for this stage. Each is to look and develop the scheme into a more resolved design before the final interim checking or the pre-final design review. In this phase, students are aided with a series of workshops focusing on improving their understanding of the Environmental and Technological strategies, structural concept and overall building design and regulatory compliance. The students are expected to incorporate the workshop learnings into their design. The drawings and progress are to be presented in an Interim/pin up presentation to be reviewed by external or internal guest panelists. The pre-design review is used as a platform to aide students in preparation for the final review week.

Interim Progress Documentation

Final Outcome

Progressing from the pre-final design review, students are to work on the feedback and work on to fully resolve the design. As the final stage, the design should strongly demonstrate the student’s ability to exhibit design flair and technical competence. As a final year student design work is expected to demonstrate critical thinking skills (studies and analysis), structural sense (buildability + tectonics), sensitivity (key issues & the environment), maturity (considering bylaws & compliance with regulations), creativity (tectonic thinking and poetics) and competence (a well-referenced spatial organization & planning). Students are required to come up with a comprehensive, well-organized, clear, and creative final design presentation. The final presentation is in the form of a final design review wherein external reviewers from the industry and academe will assess and give inputs on the design presented.  

ADP Final Report

Project 1C Progress Documentation

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